The wedding day




Saturday 3 August 2024



12:00 - Wedding ceremony at the Pfarrkirche, Schloss Loosdorf

13:00-14:30 - Wedding reception. Toast to the happy couple!


17:30 - 18:45 - Aperatif in the courtyard of Schloss Loosdorf


19:00 - 21:00 - Wedding dinner. Time to enjoy some local specialties together!




21:00- until late - Let's get the party started!




Sunday 4 August



11:00- Weisswurstfrühstück 

Come join us for brunch at Schloss Loosdorf to close off the wedding festivities!


There is no better cure for a party hangover than a 'Reparaturseidl*', a German sausage and a Brezen!


*Literal translation: reparation beer

The End